Monthly Review: April 2017

As was previously forecast, April was always going to experience a sharp decline in the three-month-moving average since January’s stellar contribution would be removed from the calculation.

Happy Belated Easter 2017!

The above official photo from the Good Friday Appeal speaks for itself. With 2017 another record year of donations, the ~30 callers I helped to take donations from contributed ~$3000, averaging out to $100/donor. The big highlight was receiving a Continue ReadingHappy Belated Easter 2017!

Worship #1: Getting the Most out of Worship

The following is based on material originally written by (then) Associate Pastor Tony Yeo of the Covenant Evangelical Free Church in Singapore. The article is a series of tips for worship, manly focused on corporate worship, which I have enhanced with some Continue ReadingWorship #1: Getting the Most out of Worship