2004: The Year Ahead & Reviewed

The following is content that originally was published on an earlier HTML-based version of XBOP that existed in the early 2000s. As part of this content migration, it has been edited to protect individual identities. 2004: The Year Ahead The following section was Continue Reading2004: The Year Ahead & Reviewed

2016: A Year in Review

At the end of 2016, the December Monthly Review included a short annual review which focused on the statistical analysis rather than events. At the time a WordPress/JetPack Annual Report was not available and so this review was postponed. This Continue Reading2016: A Year in Review

Family Christmas Cruise #1: Introduction

This writing serial will cover the family holiday trip that took place back in December 2015, over the Christmas holiday period. Over this and the next set of articles, I will share a bit about my experience on this my Continue ReadingFamily Christmas Cruise #1: Introduction