Happy Easter 2016!

My recent silence here is only explainable by the sheer busy-ness of March. A full recap will be provided in the upcoming month review.

Samaritan’s Purse Discovery Trip #11: Day 2

This is my eleventh journal entry as part of the OCC Volunteer Discovery Trip. The material relates to the ninth day of actual journalling but publication here will not align to that actual day/date – Wednesday 3 February.

Worship #1: Getting the Most out of Worship

The following is based on material originally written by (then) Associate Pastor Tony Yeo of the Covenant Evangelical Free Church in Singapore. The article is a series of tips for worship, manly focused on corporate worship, which I have enhanced with some Continue ReadingWorship #1: Getting the Most out of Worship

Memory Verse #7: Psalm 37:5

Give yourself to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will help you. Psalm 37:5 GNB (Good News Bible) This is the seventh of 20 memory verses that I will use as a guide/focal point to writing these articles. The “Table of Continue ReadingMemory Verse #7: Psalm 37:5

Memory Verse #6: Psalm 31:3

You are my refuge and defence; guide me and lead me as you have promised. Psalm 31:3 GNB (Good News Bible) This is the sixth (published fifth) of 20 memory verses that I will use as a guide/focal point to writing these Continue ReadingMemory Verse #6: Psalm 31:3