Worshipping God in Different Ways

June 2014 marks 11 months of using ProPresenter at Clayton. The original implementation was documented on the page Creative Technology – Church Presentation Software. Since then, use of both Apple iMac and ProPresenter have become second nature. In April 2014, just Continue ReadingWorshipping God in Different Ways

ProPresenter – Managing different content on multiple displays

The purpose of this is post is to provide a brief review of our ProPresenter experience for this morning’s church service. The lead up to service was a slight scramble, slightly more than in recent weeks, with sermon slides being Continue ReadingProPresenter – Managing different content on multiple displays

Missions Focus Weekend at Clayton

This weekend has seen our church utilise ProPresenter quite thoroughly to manage Missions Focus 2013, and given this was the first solid use of the software, I’m happy to report that, all in all, the experience was quite satisfactory. A Continue ReadingMissions Focus Weekend at Clayton

Church Worship Technology – restructured content

In fleshing out more details of the church worship technology page, the material has been split into: 1. Audio infrastructure 2. Video infrastructure 3. Lighting infrastructure 4. Church presentation software The last 2 articles are brand new content. Collectively these Continue ReadingChurch Worship Technology – restructured content