40 Hour Famine – 18 to 20 August 2006

[Post migrated from LiveJournal]

MOOD: tightness in head from cold

I’m participating in the 40 Hour Famine this year! It’s been quite some time since I last did it in high school…
I remember doing it 3 years in a row from Year 9 thru Year 11… so this would be my fourth experience.

Receipt books were first issued out last Friday @ church. The Youth AsSalt group are leading the organisation of this within the church, but thru JT, there are a handful of us at FOCUS who are participating…
I got my first sponsor that night at FOCUS, but then we agreed that FOCUS as a group would collect a single donation to avoid each of us targeting the same people.

Saturday I got 6 sponsors, plus ALL were paying up-front. 1 friend from an afternoon catch-up, while the 5 others were targeted while at my church Men’s Lawn Bowls activity.
Another 6 donated after the Sunday 10am service, except I had my first IOU.

On Monday I used up the remaining 5 receipt butts at work – only 3 IOUs…

Encouraged by all the support ($152 in total) I made an ONLINE donation using my credit card… So my current total stands at $352

So, on Tuesday (yesterday at time of writing), I emailed the Youth AsSalt organiser for more receipt books! Last night at music practice I received another two! So, today (Wednesday) I’m back in business!

For more official info on the 40 Hour Famine and how YOU can make a difference: http://www.worldvision.com.au/40hourfamine/

Anyone who would care to make an online donation: https://famine.worldvision.com.au/famine.cgi?a=SPONSOR_
My Famine Book Number is: 26188053-8

Thank you to all those who have already donated!

I intend to see through the full 40 hours fasting.

Nic =)