New content: Creative & Family

I have added new content to my blog that can be viewed under the Creative category. Writing the material has helped me realise the diversity of interests I have held over the years; but more importantly, much of the material reflects unfinished Continue ReadingNew content: Creative & Family

I won the footy tips!

[Post migrated from LiveJournal] MOOD:  jubilant It’s official! I won this year’s footy tipping competition! That means that I’ve just won $240!!! As a result, I’m donating the proceeds towards OVERFLOW 06 – the Gravitate/Church camp which I’m helping to organise. Continue ReadingI won the footy tips!

they once were lost, but now are found!

[Post migrated from LiveJournal] Praise God! A quick break into song: Praise God! Praise His Holy name! Praise Him all the earth, let us celebrate! Praise God! Praise His Holy name! Praise Him in the heavens, Angels will proclaim! On Continue Readingthey once were lost, but now are found!